Welcome to what promises to be a great and exciting journey through the burgeoning world of Craft Beer.
I remember when this whole trend began and have not ceased to be amazed at the wondrous new opportunities surfacing every day in terms of new and unique styles, ponderous flavors and the excitement/promise held by each new brewery opening. Not to mention the ever enjoyable ancillary world of home brewing. As I approach close to 2,500 different beers tasted friends have urged me to start documenting my experiences and thus this blog.
I hope to share with you at least weekly, if not more frequently, exciting new beers tasted, their tasting notes and recommendations and commentaries/reviews on different beer bars, brewpubs and breweries I have had the pleasure of visiting. I invite any and all input from my readers on what they liked or disliked about a particular beer or style or place. Your experiences will not always align with mine, your likes and dislikes will not match mine and that is fine ... half the fun is in the chase and learning about the new beers out there :-)
So together let's trip the light fantastic down the yellow brick road of Craft Beer. Please be sure to share this blog with your friends and your watering holes. I would love to see the number of followers grow!!